Friday, April 23, 2010

when the sun shines, we'll shine together.

it's been awhile since i blogged about my dining experiences on 82nd ave.

as mentioned before, bahn mi is quickly becoming a weekly meal for me. so far, i've tried the bahn mi at three establishments on 82nd ave, all between divison and powell street: best baguette, ha vu bahn mi, and fubonn deli. i have to say, best baguette is still at the top of my list. the bahn mi i ate today at ha vu was tasty. in fact, the salty chicken filling was even better than best baguette's chicken. despite this, best baguette is still the champion because the determining factor in a good bahn mi, in my opinion, are the raw vegetables. their vegetables are slightly pickled, crunchy, and they never use a light hand when stuffing the sandwich. plus, the bread at best baguette is simply outstanding. just the right amount of crispness, with a soft airy interior. it's perfect.

i'm sure i will continue to grab a quick bahn mi at fubonn from time to time. they're the least expensive, at $2.25 a piece. in general, i'm starving when i head that way to pick up groceries, so it's a handy way to calm my growling stomach while i make my way through the sensory-overload inducing aisles.

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